Logo Noir Inshape Studio


Don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.

How to find the studio?

Train Station

Eaux-Vives Geneva Avenue de la Gare-des-Eaux-Vives 19


31 Dezember Stop Geneva-Eaux-Vives


Centre Commercial Eaux-Vives Rue de Jargonnant 3, 1207 Geneva & Train Station Eaux-Vives Geneva Avenue de la Gare-des-Eaux-Vives 19

Opening hours:

Mo-Fr: 7:30-20:30 Sat-Sun: 8:30-12:30

Rue du Nant 34, Geneva, Switzerland 1207

Send an inquiry

Interested in joining our classes but feeling intimidated? Don’t be. Inshape is a safe haven, everyone is welcome and our team is here to answer any questions you may have.

Send us a note!